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JavaScript Errors

New feature

Catch the errors before they become visible

Discover the bug-free future and enjoy increased revenues. Get real-time feedback with Capturly's cross-browser Javascript error tracker and catch errors before they are detected. Help debugging and increase your website's conversion rate.

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If You Want to Know...

What errors stop you from achieving high conversions?

What errors stop you from achieving high conversions?

Identify and solve JavaScript issues with our error detector. Errors affecting forms, checkout processes, or call-to-action buttons can lead to a decrease in conversion rates. Debugging these issues can directly affect sales and leads.

How to improve user experience to make it seamless?

How to improve user experience to make it seamless?

Keep it smooth: Find and fix hidden errors that break key elements of your website. Enrich the user experience and reduce cart abandonment with a seamless interface. Optimize the hidden side of your website.

How can your website be consistent across all browsers?

How can your website be consistent across all browsers?

Ensure that all users enjoy a consistent experience regardless of their browser choice. Our JavaScript error tracking feature helps you identify problems that only appear in certain browsers.

Maximize Conversions By Fixing Errors

JavaScript Error Prioritization

Catching errors from small to big

Think of our tool as a super-smart bug catcher for your website, specially designed to find JavaScript errors from tiny ones to big ones. It's like having a magnifying glass that shows you which errors are the most important and need fixing first. This way, you can make sure your website works perfectly for everyone, from the smallest glitch to the biggest problem. It's like being a detective, but for making websites better and more fun to use!

JavaScript Error Prioritization

Integrated Session Recording

You'll believe it when you see it

Imagine having a magic camera that shows exactly how users run into problems on your website, thanks to Capturly's session recording paired with JavaScript error tracking. It's like being a detective, watching and understanding each step users take, so you can spot and fix any errors quickly. Plus, it's super easy to use, helping you make your website even better and more user-friendly.

Integrated Session Recording

Advanced Error Details

Identify and solve error patterns

Imagine having a super-smart helper that can spot tricky patterns in mistakes on your website. That's what our Advanced Error Details function does! It looks closely at all the errors, finds patterns that might be causing trouble, and helps you understand them in a simple way. It's like having a puzzle-solving buddy who makes fixing your website's problems easier and faster, so everything runs smoothly for everyone who visits.

Advanced Error Details

Optimize Your Website With Capturly's JavaScript Error Detector

Ready To Improve Your Sales By Catching Errors?

Integration with session recordings

Integration with session recordings

Automatic data collection

Automatic data collection

No manual setups

No manual setups

GDPR- & CCPA-compliant

Automatic prioritization

In Capturly's offer

Time-based error statistics

Time-based error statistics

Start spotting and understanding error trends over time with Capturly, ensuring proactive bug prevention. It helps prioritize issues for efficient resolution, transforming complex error analysis into simple solutions. This is your puzzle-solving companion for a smoother, more reliable website, delighting every visitor.

Impacted user data

Impacted user data

Explore Capturly's JavaScript error tracking feature that transforms the way you solve website issues. It quickly finds out which users are having problems, making it easier to diagnose and fix those issues. This tool breaks down tough problems, creating a smooth experience for your users and showing them you're dedicated to fixing any challenges they face.

No manual setups needed

No manual setups needed

This intuitive tool acts as your behind-the-scenes tech genius, automatically identifying and resolving complex coding errors. It ensures your website performs flawlessly, enhancing user experience and maximizing engagement. Elevate your online presence with Capturly, the effortless solution for a seamless, high-performing website.

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Expert's tip

Boost your JavaScript Error Detection tool's impact by tackling problems early on. Frequently review error reports to spot and solve repeating issues quickly, before they worsen. Focus on severe errors and examine session recordings to see what users were doing when these problems occurred. This proactive strategy not only makes your website more reliable but also betters the user experience. Keep in mind, it's wiser to prevent errors than to fix them later. By staying on top of issues, you can save time and keep your website running smoothly and your users content.

Using Session Replays to Identify and Fix Website Issues

Learn more
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